It’s not my fault.

It's not my fault.

I don't say this very often anymore. I try and own my choices and my actions. But I can't own the actions of others because I have no control over their choices. Ergo, the results of their actions are not my fault.

It's not my fault that horse owners spend a great deal of money with "trainers" who misrepresent their expertise, experience, motivation, or education. It's not my fault that more money is spent here with me to reeducate, reassure, comfort, rebuild trust, restore confidence, reduce fear and anxiety, and draw the horse to a state where they are at peace within themselves and then within their given activities.

It's not my fault and it's not the horse's fault that the horse is struggling. It's not the horse owners' fault as they trusted someone who represented their motives and actions as being in the horse's best interest.

It's not my fault but I will stand in with the horse until they are settled inside. What happened to them was not in my control but what happens with me at my little farm is. I will at any request tell you where, when, and with whom I acquired my education, tell you clearly what my foundation is for horse wellness and education, and explain the process the horse will travel through to be properly prepared for the activity you would like for them to do as long as the activity is horse healthy. As long as the horse, in who they are, are well suited to it.

The horse deserves no less.


Horse breeding~by the numbers


Why a Conservatory?